Who is the American Association of Franchisees & Dealers (AAFD) ?2021-07-28T11:44:10-07:00

The American Association of Franchisees & Dealers is a strong national trade association representing franchise owners. Expense Reduction Analysts® corporate and other franchisors have long supported the International Franchise Association (IFA). Why would Expense Reduction Analysts® corporate support the IFA? Simply because it is good business to support a trade association that promotes your interests. The AAFD has proven to be a model citizen within the franchising community, recognized by the American Bar Association, the IFA, the National Franchise Council, Franchise Times magazine and others for its positive contributions to franchising.

What is our Association really after?2021-07-28T12:03:22-07:00

Simple. We want to improve our businesses, protect our investments, and increase our influence and communication with Expense Reduction Analysts® through a collective voice. We want all Expense Reduction Analysts® franchisees to support us, and help make us more viable, but we definitely want to be large enough to make a constructive difference. We have not organized out of anger, and are not looking to be adversarial. We want to build consensus and create value. We will accomplish our goals faster as more franchisees support us, but we recognize that more franchisees will support us as we prove ourselves worthy. We do not share the belief that a strong franchisee association can only grow out of a crisis, but we do believe that together we can all be much stronger. All we are looking for at this time to for you to join ERA-FOA.

We would love your help by joining the Steering Committee, but simply joining is more than enough right now.

What if I don’t want our Franchise System to know I joined?2021-07-28T12:08:41-07:00

Join the ERA-FOA anonymously. To do this, a franchisee can instruct his or her attorney to join on his or her behalf. The attorney becomes the “face” of your membership while you receive the benefits of joining the association. At the same time, neither the franchisor nor even ERA-FOA members will know your identity. The association can, however, count you as a member in its collective strength. Most AAFD-affiliated attorneys are happy to provide this service without charge or for a very modest fee to cover their time.

What about those who oppose us?2021-07-28T12:09:10-07:00

We will respect your right to disagree and oppose us, and we will consistently work to earn your respect, trust and support. Our goal is to win you over some day. Until then, give us the respect we accord you, and give us the opportunity to prove our mettle. We hope you will join us now, and help us mold the kind of association you would support, and help us earn the respect and trust of Expense Reduction Analysts®. But if not, just keep an open mind; and we will always keep the door open and the light on for you! Some of our strength will come from the size of our member base.

Is our Association adversarial?2020-07-31T06:58:50-07:00

Our primary purpose is not adversarial unless you consider all discussions between buyers and sellers to be adversarial. We believe in capitalism, which is based upon willing buyers and sellers, each with equal bargaining power, making fair and balanced business relationships in a free market environment.

Why should I join this Association?2021-07-28T12:10:19-07:00

Hopefully, every Expense Reduction Analyst® franchisee will see the many benefits of having a strong owners association working with Expense Reduction Analyst® to bridge the gap between the franchisees and the leadership team. The only reason some franchisees have not joined is they have not heard from us—we just haven’t reached everyone yet. This is a process and the founding members want to be sure  is started and grows ERA-FOA for the right reasons.

We are taking a strategic and purposeful way path for long term success.

Do we have to pay our dues upfront?2021-07-28T12:10:52-07:00

No. The AAFD offers a monthly payment plan plus a one-time initiation fee. Read more about ERA-FOA Membership Dues.

Is the membership Tax Exempted?2020-07-31T06:35:10-07:00

The Internal Revenue Service has ruled that trademark specific franchisee associations are not entitled to tax exempt status under Federal tax law.  However, as a Trademark chapter of the AAFD, your tax-exempt status is protected under the AAFD’s 501(c)(6) tax exemption.

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